Welcome to Week 7

 Hello Lovely Parents,

I hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed some of that beautiful sunshine. A few reminders for this week. 

Assembly 2:15pm FRIDAY 26TH OF NOVEMEBER

Please remember it is our assembly this Friday. Can you please make sure your child has a costume for Friday. If they are a shepherd they can wear something as simple as a tshirt, shorts and a tea towel from home, stars can be made out of cardboard and worn around their necks. Sheep can costumes could be as simple as ears using a headband and some cotton wool balls. I have fitted some children for costumes but I don't have enough for everyone so please make sure your child has a costume for Friday. 

The children don't need to come to school in their costumes. They can wear normal sport uniform and we will get changed straight after lunch. I cannot wait to perform our assembly the children are so excited about it. I hope you all can make it :) 

Character Strength Weekly Focus

Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modelling and observing different character strengths. This week we are looking for people who have Prudence.

Star Citizen
Congratulations to Isla this weeks Star Citizen. Isla recieved the star citizen merit award for showing the school value of excellence. Well done Isla we are lucky to have you in Year 1C!!!

Vinnies Christmas Appeal 
There will be a box at the front of Year One for collections for Vinnie's Christmas Appeal. Year One families are asked to donate Christmas Goodies: Please be generous and thoughtful in what you donate. Thank you in advance for your support and donations. 💗

Lunch time Fun
This week and the remaining weeks of term, Mr Torrese will be coordinating a couple of different activities for the students to participate in. On Tuesday at 1:10pm the students will the opportunity to participate in the Sketch up Challenge Grass Area outside Hall. 

Important Dates 

26th of November Year 1C Assembly 
7th December – Whole school Christmas Concert (LOCK THIS ONE IN!)
10th December – Colour Run and Last day for students

Thank you for your on going support and assistance

Miss Christie 💓


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