Hello Parents
First of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to come see me this week for parent interviews. It has been lovely seeing you all and talking about your child's progress in Year 1. This week 1C have been very busy little bees doing lots of fun and exciting learning.
In Mathematics this week we have been focusing on Subtraction. We have been learning how to use a number line to solve subtraction problems by "thinking BIG and counting back". The children have been doing so well learning this new strategy, you can see some pictures of the children putting this strategy into practice with Subtraction Maths Bingo and using number lines to solve subtraction problems. We definitely have lots of Mathematicians in 1C.
The students have been investigating sound in Science. The first science investigation we did explored how sound travels through different materials. The children were investigating how different amounts of liquids affect the sound the jar makes when it is tapped. The children found that the more water the jar had in it the louder the sound.
Thank you again for bringing in a cardboard roll for science this week. The children loved the Kazoo science investigation. They could feel the vibrations that the sound created when they talked into their Kazoo. The instrument helped the children learn that sounds are made up of vibrations and the Kazoo makes it easier to feel those vibrations.
Reading Comprehension Packs These books are collected by Mrs Kemp our librarian on Tuesday mornings and delivered back to us on Wednesday afternoons to hand out. Please feel free if your child has difficulty remembering to bring them inside and put them in the box on Tuesday - just return them back to school as soon as you are finished with them, any day at all, and I can help your child put it in the collection box ready for Tuesday collection. Unfortunately collection takes place during teaching and learning sessions so sometimes it can be missed if your child forgets to bring it inside the classroom and leaves it in their bags and bags often can't be checked at that point. Please also feel free to do the same with their library books and return them any day to keep in their big trays as remembering anything on Monday morning can be difficult!
PAT Testing Over the last few weeks, we have been busy completing PAT testing on the iPads. A PAT test measures your child's knowledge, skills and understanding in both reading and maths and helps pinpoint where they are in their learning journey and what areas they need more support in. The children were tested on the Foundation/Preprimary test to see what concepts may need review and to help us with our planning for the year ahead. We have also been conducting literacy screening individual assessments to check their progress in relation to our InitiaLit literacy program.
Homework: This homework will be due Week 9 Wednesday 31st of March.
Initial Lit
Each morning we start the day with Initial Lit. Initial Lit is a evidence based whole class literacy program providing all children with the essential core knowledge to become successful readers and writers. This week in Initial Lit we have been practicing our tricky words. Tricky words are words that need to be memorized for the simple reason that if you sound them out it doesn't sound right. We have been focusing on these tricky words (what, out, want, some, come, where, or, for) The children in 1C wanted to show you that our tricky words don't trick us!! Below they have they written their tricky words on their whiteboards.
Please remember Bears to Show we Care tomorrow!!
Bears to Show We Care 🐻🥰
Tomorrow on Friday the 26th of March, all children are invited to bring their favourite bear to school for the day in exchange for a gold coin donation to the missions! The bear must be able to fit inside their school bag (Please no life-sized bears!!). The bears will be allowed in class with them for the day and invited to picnic with them at lunch! This is our Project Compassion Fundraiser for the Term that was initiated by the Year 6 Catholic Ministry group.
See you tomorrow!
Warm Regards
Miss Christie
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