Welcome to Week 5

 Dear Parents,

Oh my goodness it is already Week 5 I cannot believe how fast the term is flying by!!!! Your beautiful children have grown and learn't so much this year. I am very proud of the progress they have made and will cherish the time left that we have together. Just a few reminders for this week. 

Excursion Tuesday Week 6
Please keep an eye on the blog this week for more detailed information about our upcoming excursion.  We have just locked in the 16 November and changed venue as the opportunity to learn about our Wadandi culture and local significant places including an excursion to the Cape Naturaliste lighthouse arose.  We are very excited to learn about our area and increase our cultural awareness from Josh at Koomal Dreaming.  

PAT Testing:
This week we will begin our series of formal PAT assessments which will help further inform our understanding of your child's learning needs, as well as guide groupings within the classroom and inform our end of year reports. All the content within the PAT assessments cover what has been taught throughout the year and results will be passed onto your child's teacher next year. If you are planning on being away at all this week, could you please let me know so I can arrange for your child to complete at an earlier/later date. 

Performance Assembly Nativity - 
Our Performance Assembly is coming up in Week 7 and because it is nearly the end of Term and is close to Christmas YAY the children will be doing a Nativity play. 
I have given children what costume/ or role they are doing, please see me if they haven't told you already. The lovely Amie Meyer has donated some Nativity costumes, we have a few dresses, head scarfs, wings etc. However I don't have every costume so please let me know if you don't have anything your child could wear and we could make something at school or find something. I really don't want you to have to spend money on a costume. If anyone has a costume that they could donate for another child to wear that would be really appreciated. Here is a picture, just to give you an idea on what some costumes could look like.  I will start to send home readings for those children who have volunteered to speak at assembly so they can practice. 

Important Dates 
9th November – Whole school wellbeing day
11th November – Remembrance Day
12th November – Student Free Day
24th November – OLC AGM meeting
26th November - Busy Bee @ Our Lady of the Southern Cross (morning only)
26th of November - Year 1C Assembly
7th December – Whole school Christmas Concert (LOCK THIS ONE IN!)

Thank you for your continued support and assistance.
Warm Regards 
Isobel Christie 


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