Week 8 Feelin Great
Dear Parents,
I hope you had an enjoyable weekend break and soaked up all that sunshine and heat! Two weeks to go here and it will be a busy but fun end to the year!
Next Year
I just wanted to say thank you for your continued support and assistance this year, it really means alot to me. I just wanted to let you know that something unexpected came up. I have been offered a job at St Mary Mackillop in Pre Primary. So instead of travelling around Australia I will be travelling to Busselton. I still plan on going travelling, however I couldn't pass up this opportunity. So you will probably still see me at your local coles haha. I am very sad to be saying goodbye to the school and your lovely cherubs but I will forever cherish this experience and appreciate how you all made it a positive one for me.
Homework and reading is now finished for the year as we need to start stocktaking home reading books. We ask if you have any reading books at home that you please bring them back to school as they are required for inventory. You are welcome to keep the homework book and folder at home for the rest of the year - this folder will be reused next year in Year 2 so put it in a safe place :)
A suggestion is to look at any sounds focus area of need that was noted on your child's Cumulative Review seesaw post last week. You can go over the previous spelling lists and fluency grid available in your homework book for those sounds over the next two weeks and over the summer break if you wish to work on your child's current reading/spelling goals. We are also continuing to focus on the sounds in the final list of spelling and fluency words sent home last week in class for the remaining fortnight (dge, ge, ch, tch words) so if you would like to continue with the homework routine this week at home this coincides well with our daily classroom learning.
Your child should now have at least one example of learning shared for each major learning strand (reading, writing, mathematics), several other examples from other learning areas and a couple more to come over the next fortnight. These are a great snapshot of how your child is going and an example of their learning and achievement. Please read the cover sheet description carefully as your child's achievement, the comments sections, results and direct feedback as these are in lieu of the type feedback and information in English and Maths comments you normally receive in the reports on the last day. If there are any questions or queries about your child's progress in any subject area, please don't hesitate to email us to arrange a meeting or pop your head in before school for a brief chat if you would like. We are available most days after school now with the exception of Tuesday for staff meetings.
Vinnies’s Appeal:
Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. This year boxes will be located in EACH CLASSROOM and families are invited to contribute specified items. Please look out for boxes coming your way in the next few days. The Year One and Two classes are asked to donate pantry items sich as: Tinned foods, pasta, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces, jams, condiments, (basically any non-perishable good food, which can be used beyond Christmas).
Christmas Concert
The Christmas Concert is taking place next Tuesday 7th December. It commences at 5:30pm, so please ensure that your child is here at 5:15pm. Your child will be required to attend their classroom by 5:15pm and will walk down as a class, while you can find a nice spot on the hill.
The theme for the end of year concert dress is ‘Casual Christmas Wear’. Christmas colours, t-shirts, dresses etc and Christmas accessories are all perfect for the occasion.
Our class are performing a hip hop dance routine. They will need to wear a funky jacket (hoodie, denim, leather, vest, windbreaker etc) over their Christmas clothes please. If they would like to wear any 'hip hop accessories' (sunglasses, hat backwards, funky hair style- please no hair out/covering face etc) that would be fantastic. Students to wear sneakers please.
Any questions please email ellie.haines@cewa.edu.au. I can’t wait for you to see your children shine, they have all blown me away this Semester! Thank you- Mrs Haines
The Season of Advent:
We celebrated the beginning of the season of Advent yesterday.
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the coming, or birth of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Celebrating Advent typically involves a season of prayer, fasting, and repentance, followed by anticipation, hope, and joy.
With Love
Miss Christie
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