Welcome to Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 :) 

A  look into what we will be learning for the first half of this term:

Literacy: We are focusing on persuasive texts which is a new type of writing for us this year! This is a piece of writing that will explain our readers and opinion about a topic and we will use reasons with explanations and details to try to convince our readers to feel, think and agree the same belief as us.  

Maths: In Mathematics we are building our number knowledge and understanding.  This fortnight we will be looking at repeated addition as a pre-concept leading into understanding the basics of multiplication, followed by sharing as a introduction to division for the next fortnight.  We will also be learning about the relationship of addends in an addition sum and understanding turnaround addition facts, as well as the addition strategy of identifying the bigger number and counting on - think big, count on strategy.  

Religion: The Year sixes are receiving their Confirmation so we will be exploring this Sacrament this term followed by a unit of study on the Bible and Prayer.

Science: The focus of science this term will be chemical science - understanding what things can be changed and how - through heat or cooling temperature or by physically changing the object by moving and if it can be changed back.

Health: We are beginning to learn about friendhships and relationships and delve more into the Friendology program that is a part of OLC.  

Technologies: Digital technology systems including introduction to data and coding. 

What is happening this Term at OLC

More information on events to come throughout the term

Week 4: OLC 25th anniversary Mission and Markets - 13th August

Week 6: Open evening 25th Aug, athletics carnival 26th Aug and student free day 27th Aug

Week 8: School photos 9th Sept, OLC’s got talent 10th Sept

Week 10: Book week 22nd Sept

 *More information and dates available in the school calendar and newsletter. 


We have resumed homework with the usual reading, spelling list and one fluency grid for each week.  These words to be read and spelled relate directly to our class learning in the InitiaLit program. The homework instructions will continue to be sent home in the fortnightly grid style and collected at the end of each fortnight. Homework is due this Friday 30th of July. If your child is not going to be at school please ensure that they bring in their RED Reading folder and their homework book on Thursday. This enables us to check over their work and glue in the next fortnight's homework.   Also, please make sure your child is bringing everything back to school in their homework folder we are finding some children are missing their red folder or homework books. Please also remind your children to bring in their homework folders everyday in the morning some are leaving in their bags. It is really important they come in so that we can change readers. 


In 1C we have been using the app SeeSaw to keep you updated on your childs learning and activities in class. You should all now be connected to the Year 1C SeeSaw page, if you are not please let me know and I will sort it out for you. The school is trying a new approach to reporting and we will be using SeeSaw regularly to update you on what your child is learning in class. 

Please note that this will be used purely as a means for you to keep up to date with your child's learning. Any communication with myself will stay as per usual.

Just a reminder that canteen will commence this week on Tuesdays and Thursday's ONLY. 

Merit Award Winner
Congratulations to Indi Rose who was our Week 1 Merit Award Winner. You are a Year One superstar and your enthusiasm to learn is contagious! 🌟🌟

I think that's it for now.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all.  Thank you for your continued support and assistance,

Warm Regards, 

Isobel Christie


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