Welcome Back: Week 1 Term 3

 Dear Parents 

Welcome back to Week One! I hope you all had a relaxing time over the holidays. I certainly enjoyed having a sleep in after the busy 11 week term 😂 We have a jam packed busy term ahead starting with our Prayer Assembly this Friday!!!

Prayer Assembly 

In religion this term we are studying the Confirmation Unit. Our Prayer Assembly will be based on what we are learning during this unit of work. 

The children are learning that people use their bodies to relate to the world around them. People can use their bodies to help them sense the world and people around them. They use their eyes to see, read and to be aware of how people are showing their feelings Their ears to hear different sounds, and to learn from people’s voices how they are feeling. Their skin to feel different textures and to show affection to people they love and feel safe with. They also feel the warmth of the sun and the cold wind blowing on their faces. Their mouths to speak and express how they are feeling, whether they are happy, sad or angry. People use their bodies to talk to God and ask for God’s help at any time. Jesus taught people how to live as God wants and to communicate love and other feelings through their bodies.

Children that volunteered to speak at assembly will be saying short readings related to this unit of work. I have sent home the readings with the children so they can practice this week. It would be really appreciated if you could practice with them so they feel confident and we will also practice at school. If your child has not volunteered and you would really like them to read please don't hesitate to let me know. However the readings are a small part, every child is involved in our special prayer and song. 

Please save the date and join us at 2:15pm in the Hall for the Year One Prayer Assembly (Friday the 23rd of July.😇


The Year Ones will be showing off their best dance moves this semester. They can continue to wear Sport Uniform on Wednesday and Fridays. Dance will be taking place on Friday Morning at 8:40am - 9:40am instead of Music. 

No canteen this week 

Just a reminder that there is no canteen this week but will commence next week on Tuesdays and Thursday's ONLY. If you have a spare morning, the canteen are always looking for helpers and the children just love seeing you at school. 

Important dates for Term 3

Year One assembly: Friday the 23rd of July

School Athletics Carnival: Thursday the 26th of August 

Pupil Free Day: Friday the 24th of September

Welcome Indi Rose to Year One. Please make Indi Rose feel welcome we are very lucky to have another Indi in the classroom!

Have a lovely evening. Warm Regards 
Miss Christie 


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