Week 8 Wrap and Snaps

Hello Parents First of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to come see me this week for parent interviews. It has been lovely seeing you all and talking about your child's progress in Year 1. This week 1C have been very busy little bees doing lots of fun and exciting learning. Mathematics In Mathematics this week we have been focusing on Subtraction. We have been learning how to use a number line to solve subtraction problems by "thinking BIG and counting back". The children have been doing so well learning this new strategy, you can see some pictures of the children putting this strategy into practice with Subtraction Maths Bingo and using number lines to solve subtraction problems. We definitely have lots of Mathematicians in 1C. Science The students have been investigating sound in Science. The first science investigation we did explored how sound travels through different materials. The children were investigating how different amounts of liqu...