Surfboard Project

In Year 1C we have been lucky enough to have the special help of Leo's Dad, Chris Chapman. Chris Chapman runs a business in Dunsborough called Chapstar Surfboards making custom made performance surfboards as well as stocking a range of surf hardware. Chris took the time to make and shape mini wooden surfboards for each child in Year 1C with the help of Wyatt's Dad, Michael Dodd. The children were asked to create a design for their mini surfboard with an ocean theme. Over a few lessons, Chris Chapman helped the children create their surfboard designs and showed examples of surfboards he has made and designed himself. The children painted the surfboards with acrylic and then used paint pens to draw. Thankyou Chris and Micheal! Come check out the children's beautiful surfboard art tomorrow night 🏄🏄🏄🏄🏄🏄🏄 Warm Regards Miss Christie